LGBTQ+ Resources

In the blog section of Oboedire, you can find Steve’s archived posts related to his books ‘For the Sake of the Bride’ and ‘Holy Love’ in the “For the Bride” and “Holy Love” categories on the home page sidebar. Steve’s other posts about LGBTQ+ matters are filed in the “LQBTQ+ Writings” and “Sexuality: A Further Look” categories.

Beyond these links, the following list of resources makes the case for affirmation and full inclusion in all aspects of the society and Church.

I am a United Methodist, so in section three, I have organized resources according to the categories found in the Wesleyan quadrilateral. Each aspect of this hermeneutic has resources which validate the credibility of an affirming LGBTQ+ theology.

Places to Begin

General: Kathy Baldock, ‘Walking the Bridgeless Canyon’

Scripture: Steve Harper, ‘Holy Love: A Biblical Theology for Human Sexuality’

Tradition: Cheryl Anderson, ‘Ancient Laws and Contemporary Controversies’

Reason: Michael Regele, ‘Science, Scripture, and Same-Sex Love’

Experience: Mel White, ‘Stranger at the Gate’

Next-Step Reads…

Brian D. Cunnington, ‘Open Wide the Gates’

David Gushee, ‘Changing Our Minds,’ 3rd Edition

Karen Keen, ‘Scripture. Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships’

Justin Lee, ‘Torn’

Dan Via’s section in ‘Homosexuality and the Bible: Two Views’

Matthew Vines, ‘God and the Gay Christian’

The Wesleyan Quadrilatteral


Mark Achtemeier, ‘The Bible’s Yes to Same-Sex Marriage’

Robert Brawley, ed., ‘Biblical Ethics and Homosexuality: Listening to Scripture’

James Brownson, ‘God, Gender, and Sexuality’

Kali Cawthon-Freels, Reclamation: A Queer Pastor’s Guide to Finding Spiritual Growth in the Passages Used to Harm Us’

Jim Dant, ‘This I Know: A Simple Biblical Defense for LGBTQ Christians’

Richard Freeman & Shawna Dolansky. ‘The Bible Now’

Steve Harper, ‘Holy Love: A Biblical Theology for Human Sexuality’

Christopher & Richard Hays, ‘The Widening of God’s Mercy’

Luke Timothy Johnson, ‘The Living Gospel’ (chapter 8)

Jennifer Knust, ‘Unprotected Texts’

William Loader, ‘Sexuality and the New Testament’

Dale Martin, ‘Sex and the Single Savior: Gender and Sexuality in Biblical Interpretation’

Linda Patterson, ‘Hate Thy Neighbor: How the Bible is Misused to Condemn Homosexuality’

Robin Scroggs, ‘The New Testament on Homosexuality’

Walter Wink, ‘Homosexuality and the Bible’


Cheryl Anderson, ‘Ancient Laws and Contemporary Controversies’

Derrick Bailey, ‘Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition’

Roland Betancourt, Byzantine Intersectionality: Sexuality, Race, and Gender In the Middle Ages’

John Boswell, ‘Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality’

D.L. Day, ‘Why the Clergy Lied’

D.L. Day, ‘How the Clergy Lied’

Leah DeVun, ‘ The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance

K.J. Dover, ‘Greek Sexuality’

David Garrison, ‘Sexual Culture in Ancient Greece’

Judith Hallett, ‘Roman Sexualities’

Frank Mondimore, ‘A Natural History of Homosexuality’

Rictor Norton, ‘Homosexuality in 18th Century England’

Marilyn B. Skinner, ‘Sexuality in Greek and Roman Cultures,’ 2nd Edition

Craig Williams, ‘Roman Sexuality’

“Sex and the Church,” Reflections (Yale Divinity School, 2006).

Reason (Theology)

Megan K. DeFranza, ‘Sex Differences in Christian Theology’

Pamela R. Lightsey, ‘Our Lives Matter’

Jack David Rogers, ‘Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality’

Robert Song, ‘Covenant and Calling’

Walter Wink, ed., ‘Homosexuality and Christian Faith’

Reason (Science)

Jacques Balthazart, ‘The Biology of Homosexuality’

Iris Gottlieb, ‘Seeing Gender’

Jerold Greenberg, ‘’Exploring Dimensions of Human Sexuality’

Evelyn Killen, ‘Reflections on Gender and Science’

Justin Lehmiller, ‘The Psychology of Human Sexuality’

Simon LeVay, ‘Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why,’ 2nd Edition

Sara Reardon, “Genetic Patterns Offer Clues to the Evo!ution of Homosexuality”
(Nature, 8/34/2021)

Michael Regele, ‘Science, Scripture, and Same-Sex Love’

Elizabeth Reis, ‘Bodies in Doubt’

Anne Sterling, ‘Myths of Gender’

Mikhail Votinov, et al, “Brain Structure Changes Associated with Sexual Orientation (Scientific Reports, March 3, 2021, published online)


Amber Contorna: ‘Unashamed: A Coming Out Guide for LGBTQ Christians’

Susan Cottrell, ‘Radically Included’ and ‘Mom, I’m Gay’

Chris Glaser, ‘Coming Out as Sacrament’

Steve Harper, ‘For the Sake of the Bride’

Michelle Johns, ‘God, a Lesbian, and the Space in Between’

Shannon Kearns, ‘In the Margins’

James Martin, ‘Building a Bridge’

Tim Otto, ‘Oriented to Love’

E.T. Sundby, ‘Calling the Rainbow Nation Home’

Mel White, ‘Stranger at the Gate’

Video Resources

Rob Fuquay, ‘Faithful and Inclusive: The Bible, Sexuality. The United Methodist Church’ (available from Cokesbury)

Steve Harper, “Draw the Circle Wider: How I Changed My Mind” (available on YouTube @ “Steve Harper Methodist”)

Steve Harper, “A Hermeneutic of Love,” FUMC Orlando (available on YouTube @ “Steve Harper Methodist”)

Blog Sites

Steve Harper, series entitled “For the Bride” and “Holy Love—posts follow and expand on the books by the same title. Another category, “Sexuality: A Further Look” is an occasional, ongoing category:

Ministries & Organizations

Canyonwalker Connections (Kathy Baldock)–multi-faceted ministry

Family Equality–multiple resources, data, etc.

FreedHearts (Susan Cottrell)–ministry to parents of LGBTQ+ parents

Future Church Now–Graeme Codrington’s “LGBTQI Series.”

GLAAD–one of the oldest LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, offering a wide variety of resources

Human Rights Campaign –a broad-based LGBTQ advocacy group

Institute for Welcoming Resources–as the name implies, this group offers a variety of materials and means for making faith communities affirming and inclusive

Outreach–an LGBTQ resource in the Roman Catholic Church. “The Outreach Guide to the Bible and Homosexuality.”

Reconciling Ministries Network (United Methodist)–their website has links to many other ministries

Redwood Spiritual Care (Karen Keen)

The Reformation Project (Matthew Vines)


Bible and Homosexuality Podcast

Queer Theology Podcast

Other Topics…


Phillip Cramer & William Harbison, ‘The Fight for Marriage’

Chris Glaser, ‘As My Own Soul: The Blessing of Same-Gender Marriage’

Clare Hubert, ‘Towards a Theology of Same-Sex Marriage’

Karen Keen’s book, noted above

Scott McQueen, ‘Reasonable Doubt: A Case for LGBTQ Inclusion in the Institutions of Marriage and Church’

Transgender People

“Where True Love Is’ a multifaceted-ministry with a variety of resources for
Transgender people, their families, spouses, and friends (

James Beilby & Paul Eddy, ‘Understanding Transgender Identities’

Gabrielle Claiborne, ‘Embrace Your Truth’

Austen Hartke, ‘Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians’

Linda Tatro Herzer, ‘The Bible and the Transgender Experience’

Shannon Kearns, ‘In the Margins’

Susan Stryker, ‘Transgender History’

Resources for Parents of LGBTQ+ Children

(1)Telaina Ericksen, ‘Unconditional—A Guide to Loving and upporting Your LGBTQ Child,’
Greg and Lynn McDonald, ‘Embracing the Journey: A Christian Parents’ Guide to Loving Your LGBTQ Child’

(2)PFLAG resources (visit their website to see what’s available)

Resources for Youth Ministry

(1) Two resources by Leigh Finke: ‘Queerfully and Wonderfully Made: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens’ and ‘Welcoming and Affirming: A Guide to Supporting and Working with LGBTQ+ Christian Youth’

(2) ‘Resource Toolkit for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens’ produced by Reconciling MinistriesNetwork

(3) Beloved Arise Groups is a new program that aims to create a network of local faith-oriented groups that welcome all youth regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Go to the website for more information.

Fortunate Families (facebook page and website) is a rich resource for exploring nonbinary humanity.

In addition to these resources, there is a need to familiarize ourselves with the vocabulary for understanding sexuality and conversing about it. Here are some good links to help you do that…

(1) PFLAG “National Glossary of Terms” Excellent resources for matters related to transgender people.

(2) American Psychological Association, “Key Terms and Concepts in Understanding Gender Diversity and Sexual Orientation Among Students”

This is an in-process list. Resources come out faster than I can keep up with them. If you know of others which should be included, contact me at

Revised: January 2024