Journey in the Word: Caring for Creation

Week 2

Read:  Genesis 1: 26, 28

We are exploring the two primary manifestations of human creation: work and marriage.  Both are acts of collaboration with God to achieve the doing of God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.

Whatever details and dimensions are found in our work, the unifying purpose of all work is that it sustains and enriches what God has made.

Stott focuses his meditation on the misunderstanding of the words “rule” and “subdue,” and my reflections today are a follow-up to his remarks.

Rather than limit ourselves to a Hebrew word study to determine what these terms mean, I believe the context of the original creation is equally helpful.

The original description of creation is that it was “without form and void.”  There was an original “chaos” in creation, and it was the Spirit of God hovering over that primal mass which began to bring order, light, and life.

The human task is to use our work as a means through which God can continue to “hover” over creation.  Consequently, our work (regardless of form and function) shares the holy task of bringing order out of chaos—light from darkness—and life from death.  We are to “rule” and “subdue”—not in the sense that fallen humanity consumes and destroys creation, but in the way that God oversaw creation before we were made.

About Steve Harper

Dr. Steve Harper is retired seminary professor, who taught for 32 years in the disciplines of Spiritual Formation and Wesley Studies. Author and co-author of 51 books.. He is also a retired Elder in The Florida Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church.
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1 Response to Journey in the Word: Caring for Creation

  1. Warren Lynn says:

    Thank you for your good words and wisdom. I just added a link to this particular blog post on my Well-Fed Spirit Website, on the Creation Spirituality page:
    It is my hope in adding a link on my spiritual practice/wellness Website that others will also read what you’ve offered. Peace.

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