Journey in the Word: God’s Eternal Covenant of Mercy

(Pre-meditation Note:  I have not seen as many “comments” on each-day’s reading of Stott as I thought might be the case.  That’s okay.  Interaction with a blog can take place in more than one way.  I have received some feedback separate from the blog that the common reading process is a blessing, and I am glad for that.)

Week 4

Read:  Genesis 9:16

There’s something about a rainbow.  Over the years, I’ve noticed people coming out of office buildings to get a better view of a rainbow, people pulling over to the side of the road to gaze at one, and photographers capturing the sight rather than simply letting it fade away.

Genesis adds to the natural beauty of rainbows by revealing the theological significance of them.  They are reminders that God is for us, and we can rest upon that all the way back into creation itself.

God’s covenant promise may only occasionally appear in the sky, but it is an irrevocable commitment that saturates all creation every second.  You and I never live apart from being God’s beloved.

This love is the basis for every expression of grace toward us, and it even underlies God’s anger when anything threatens to upset, alter, or destroy God’s intended goodness in our lives.  Rainbows can appear in calm or stormy weather.  It’s not the weather, but the rainbow that reveals God’s disposition toward us.

About Steve Harper

Dr. Steve Harper is retired seminary professor, who taught for 32 years in the disciplines of Spiritual Formation and Wesley Studies. Author and co-author of 51 books.. He is also a retired Elder in The Florida Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church.
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2 Responses to Journey in the Word: God’s Eternal Covenant of Mercy

  1. Joyce Alexander says:

    In another life, before I was a pastor, I was a Clinical Nurse Specialist in oncology and bone marrow transplant. One day, we were beginning a new program, an out-patient transplant program. Our first patient, a woman named Barbara, was driving in that morning. Oh her arrival, she told us about the beautiful rainbow she saw as she came across the causeway into Daytona. To her it was a promise that all would go well. I went to the lab to take her blood, and someone said, go back and turn on a TV, something is happening. The date was 9/11/2001, and there was terrible tragedy. But still, God had promised to be with us, and he was. Barbara’s transplant did go well, although she was upset by the news, as we all were, and we all found hope in her rainbow.

  2. ed says:

    “Rainbows can appear in calm or stormy weather. It’s not the weather, but the rainbow that reveals God’s disposition toward us.”…Right on!

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