Journey in the Word: The Testing of Abraham’s Faith

Week 5

Read:  Genesis 22:1

This has always been a difficult passage for me.  I see the obvious things—such as the analogy of God’s Son being the sacrifice instead of Abraham’s

But I get slowed down in the phrase Stott selects:  “God tested Abraham.”

This is not the first “test.”  Abraham was “tested” when he went home to tell Sarai they were moving, but he didn’t know where.  Abraham was “tested” at multiple points from then to today’s reading.  And we can also see that he passed some tests and failed others.

But this is clearly not the first “test” God gave Abraham.  So, what is it?   Stott sheds some light on that question in his comments.

For me, it is an experience that makes it clear that God revisits our faith.  It’s not enough in the God-human relationship for us to say, “Fifty five years ago I promised to follow Jesus.”  That’s necessary, but it’s not the whole story.

God keeps coming back to make sure our faith is “current.”  Without this, faith can become assumption, and assumption can become presumption.

About Steve Harper

Dr. Steve Harper is retired seminary professor, who taught for 32 years in the disciplines of Spiritual Formation and Wesley Studies. Author and co-author of 51 books.. He is also a retired Elder in The Florida Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church.
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1 Response to Journey in the Word: The Testing of Abraham’s Faith

  1. ed says:

    “…God keeps coming back to make sure our faith is “current.”…
    This is a very true statement…often his “visit” doesn’t feel comfortable and is often not initially welcomed…but it is always the best for us…we must often take the long view…trials and tests are signs of his love…

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