The Fall Lineup

As we move into the Fall, I want to let you know what’s coming your way on Oboedire.

First, the weekly reflections related to Pope Francis’ “Year of Mercy” continue until Advent.  Even though it is labor intensive to write a series which lasts a year, I have been blessed to write in support of the Pope’s emphasis.

Second, beginning next Monday, September 5th, I begin a series on nonviolence.  Given the obvious partisanship and incivility that exists in the society and church today, I believe we have entered a period in history where the practice of nonviolent resistance is once again called for.  Each Monday through December we will explore this timely theme.

As Oboedire moves farther into its seventh year, remember that a lot of previous writing is archived by categories.  You can access everything by clicking on the righthand sidebar of the Oboedire home page.

Thanks for being on the Oboedire journey with me.  Whether you are an oldtimer or newcomer, I am glad you are part of this online formation fellowship.  Invite others to join in.  And thanks for your prayers.

Blessings!  Steve


About Steve Harper

Dr. Steve Harper is retired seminary professor, who taught for 32 years in the disciplines of Spiritual Formation and Wesley Studies. Author and co-author of 51 books.. He is also a retired Elder in The Florida Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church.
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2 Responses to The Fall Lineup

  1. Barry Bahr says:

    Thanks Dr. Harper for your willingness and hard work to produce a quality blog ( Oboedire ) that engages us in thought provoking dialog.

  2. Jane Holzkamp says:

    Sounds good !!

    Sent from my iPhone


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